It's been 13 days, and in that time it has been a very hard struggle. Between being very busy, traveling, and finals, my exercise plan last week suffered. But, i did juice some radishes and carrots today for breakfast! My supplements came in this week, so now i can get started on my minerals and hawthorn to help strengthen my heart and replenish minerals back into my body. I still feel that my thyroid is swollen some, so i'm still on my herb formula for balancing the thyroid.
Now you are probably wondering why I juiced radishes. Well, i read that they are great for balancing the thyroid! And mixed with some carrot juice, it was really good! I juiced the radishes and the greens. Here is my recipe i used here:
3-4 Radishes with greens
4-6 Carrots
A very simple recipe, and pretty good too. Depending on how hot the radishes are, of course. Mine were very mild, because I bought them at the farmers market, and we have had a lot of rain lately, which makes radishes more mild. Less water = hotter radishes , More water = Mild radishes.
A blog about healthy living, weight loss, eating healthy, being a Christian, reading, and simple living.
Hi! I just found your blog through "A Proverbs 31 Wife" blog. I just wanted to say you blog looks great and your honesty about your struggle is encouraging. Your struggling but sticking to it and that is so brave. I'm still working up my nerve to get started!!